Student's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Wrong Records or Information in the CRS
- I already shifted to another degree.
How come my student records in the CRS are not updated?
Your student profile in the CRS will be updated only when you present new information to the Admissions-Registrations Section of the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). Please bring all pertinent documents (e.g., admission letter from your new degree program director or department chair, UP ID, most recent Form 5, etc.) with you when you have your student information updated. Until you ask the Admissions-Registrations Section to change your degree program in the CRS, you will not be able to enlist online in major subjects of your current degree program.
- I am already in my second/third degree (undergraduate or graduate).
How come my undergraduate degree is displayed instead of my second/third
Your student profile in the CRS will be updated only when you present new information to the Admissions-Registrations Section of the OUR. Please bring all pertinent documents (e.g., admission letter, letter from college dean or department chair, valid ID, etc.) with you when you have your student information updated. Until you ask the Admissions-Registrations Section to change your degree program in the CRS, you will not be able to enlist online in major subjects of your second/third degree program.
- How can I correct my grades in the CRS?
If you think your grades in the CRS are wrong, please contact the Records Section of the OUR as soon as possible to have these "wrong grades" corrected. You need to bring the necessary documents to substantiate your claim.
Please be reminded that the grades you view in the CRS are not official. Only the copy of grades or transcript of records issued by the Records Section of the OUR is official.
- I already completed my requirements or have taken the removal exam.
How come my grades are not yet updated?
If your teacher submitted the grade completion or your final grade online after completing the requirements on taking the removal exam, the updating is instantaneous. However, it might take a while for the Records Section of the OUR to update your records if the grade completion was done manually.
- I did not enroll in a particular class.
Why is it in my CRS records?
You may have preenlisted for that particular semester and was granted a slot in that class by the batch run but you have failed to cancel that slot. Please go to the Records Section of the OUR and bring your Form 5 and Change of Matriculation documents (if any) to have your records updated.
- My name is incorrect in my CRS account.
How can I change it?
Bring a copy of your NSO birth certificate and present it at the AIS Section of the OUR.
- I didn't get the subjects I pre-enlisted. What happened?
Generally, pre-enlistment is done randomly so the reason you did not get your desired subjects may be due to statistical probability and more importantly, because there were not enough slots to satisfy demand for RGEP, PE, and other service courses. The reason students cannot enlist in their desired classes is usually due to limited slots.
Only the departments/colleges offering these subjects can do something about the problem of limited slots. Please contact the department/college concerned directly for any questions regarding additional classes or slots.
- I should be given priority in the pre-enlistment runs.
How come I didn't get the subjects I pre-enlisted?
You were given priority but other students may have higher priority (e.g., freshmen, graduating students, and OUR registration volunteers have higher priority than college/department registration volunteers). Although being given a priority enhances your chances of getting your desired classes compared with most students, it doesn't guarantee enlistment in your desired classes due to limited slots.
If you think something is amiss, please check with your college/department if the person concerned submitted the college/department registration priority list to the OUR. Unless the OUR receives the priority list from your college/department coordinator, the CRS will have no information on who gets priority enlistment privileges during the pre-enlistment runs.
- Why can't I pre-enlist in some courses?
Some classes are restricted to certain students only because the departments/colleges offering these classes do not want other students to be part of these classes for some legitimate reasons.
Only the department/college issuing the classes can do something about class restrictions. Please contact the department/college concerned for any questions regarding class restrictions. You may also ask your department chair/college secretary to intervene on your behalf.
If you think the restrictions on some classes offered by another department are wrong (i.e., you cannot pre-enlist in these courses due to "wrong" class restrictions), please contact your department chair/college secretary immediately.
Students who shifted from another degree may also be unable to pre-enlist in subjects under their new degree program because their records have not been updated. Please refer to No. 1 under WRONG RECORDS OR INFORMATION IN THE CRS.
Students who are taking their second or third or nth degree in UP Diliman may also be unable to pre-enlist in subjects under their new degree program because their records have not been updated. Please refer to No. 2 under WRONG RECORDS OR INFORMATION IN THE CRS.
- I got pre-enlisted in a subject that I won't be taking. What should i do?
If there's still another batch run, you can cancel it through the Preenlistment Module before the run. If there's none already, go to the department/unit offering the subject during the registration period and have it cancelled there.
- I won't be enrolling next term.
What should I do with my pre-enlisted classes?
Immediately inform your adviser or the department/unit offering the class and have it cancelled. Not cancelling any pre-enlisted subject on a term that you won't be enrolling may result to a lower priority during next registration.
- I am ineligible this term.
Can I still pre-enlist classes?
Yes. You can pre-enlist classes and get some after the batch run, but you cannot enlist classes during the registration period.
- I was ineligible for some reason.
By now, I have satisfied the requirements for eligibility.
Would eligibility checking be done again at the start of next term?
Or should I do something now?
Ineligibility tags are now continuous: once you are tagged as ineligible, it will be carried over to the succeeding terms unless you have it removed. You really have to have it removed before the registration period; please contact the unit(s) who have tagged you, for they only have the privilege to lift it.
- I cannot find the particular class that I want!
What should I do?
The class that you want may be available but not yet uploaded, or it may be unavailable for this term. You may check another time before the batch run or if it just won't appear, contact the department/unit offering the course.
- Are the Available Slot / Total Slots / Demand information on a subject updated real time?
The Available Slot and Total Slots fields are always updated real time, even between and after batch runs. However, the Demand field only applies during the Preenlistment period, and is actually set to zero after each batch run.
- How do I drop a class?
The complete process of dropping is described in this flowchart.
- My instructor is not responding to my request to drop.
What should I do?
There really is nothing else you could do but follow up on your professor prior to having your adviser note it.
- Does a grade of "DRP" affect my GWA (General Weighted Average)?
No, it does not affect your GWA.
- If I were to drop a class that has two instructors (e.g. a class that has an instructor for the lecture and another instructor for the lab), would I need the consent of both teachers?
Unless the lecture and laboratory classes are enrolled as two separate classes (e.g. Physics 71 and Physics 71.1), then yes; you would need the consent of both teachers.
- May I drop n units even though I will become underloaded?
Yes, you may, since the dropping process itself is independent, but being underloaded has certain repercussions (e.g. no longer being able to run for Latin honors).
ChangeMat (Change of Matriculation)
- How does a ChangeMat transaction work?
The complete process of a ChangeMat transaction can be found here.
- Do I have to pay anything for a ChangeMat transaction?
Yes, but there are various factors to consider for the total fee(s) to be paid. Consult the OUR for more information.
- Where can I get a ChangeMat form?
As of Second Semester, AY 2011-2012, the process of Change of Matriculation has been automated. The Change of Matriculation form (aka Form 26A) can only be obtained after being assessed by either your home unit or the OUR.
- I just discovered that I have an unsettled ChangeMat transaction in the past.
How do I settle this?
If you have already paid for that ChangeMat transaction, proceed to AIS Section and present your Form 26A (for whatever class you enrolled in).
- [Follow-up question for question #4] What if I lost my Form26A?
You may ask for a copy from the Cashier, the Accounting office, or your instructor (for the class you enrolled in).
Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)
- My teacher is not indicated in the class?
Or, my class indicates a wrong teacher or is still TBA.
What should I do?
Only the department/college issuing the classes can assign the class instructors. Please contact the department/college concerned for any questions regarding the class instructors.
- There are several instructors in the class I am enlisted in and some of the instructors there did not teach in the class.
What should I do?
Please evaluate only the teachers that have handled the courses that you have taken. Any anomalies in the list of teachers to be evaluated and the specifications for evaluation (e.g., Required, Optional, No SET) should be referred to the academic unit offering the course so that corrections or clarifications may be made.
- I already dropped the course.
Why should I evaluate the teacher?
For now, all enrolled students are required to accomplish their SETs. If you dropped the course at the start of the semester, just answer N/A. If you dropped the course at the middle of the semester, you will need to evaluate your class instructor. If some of the questions do not seem applicable to your case, just answer N/A.
- There is no SET questionnaire for a particular class.
What should I do?
Ask your teacher or the department offering the class if that class doesn't really require you to answer the SET questionnaire. A class may or may not require the SET depending on what the department has set.
- I don't have the SET Answering Module in my CRS account.
Please email us with your name, student number, DilNet account login and indicate that you're requesting for access to the SET Answering module. The support staff will email you when they have updated your CRS privileges.
- Do I still need to evaluate a subject that I cancelled through Change of Matriculation but still in CRS?
No. It should have been cancelled already. For some reason, your class cancellation/changemat transaction hasn't been encoded yet. Please email us to inquire about it. Send your name, student number, class codes and other relevant information that will help them track down your Change of Matriculation transaction. Once the class has been cancelled, the class (and its instructors) will no longer show up in your SET Answering module's list of professors to evaluate.
- I haven't finished the set and it closed already, will I still receive my grades?
Yes. When you haven't finished the SET, grades can't be submitted only when the SET period is ongoing. But remember, always accomplish the SET before the module closes to avoid any unwanted consequences.
- At the middle of the sem, there was a change of teacher.
The first/second teacher does not appear in the SET, what should I do?
It depends on the department if they want both teachers or just one to be evaluated. It is best if you inform your current teacher or the department / unit offering the class.
If you still have unanswered questions, please send us an email. Please don't forget to include your name and student number.
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